
Monday, November 13, 2017

Meditative Monday: Butterfly Sanctuary

Greetings Peace-lovers! And welcome to a new blog series right here at The Peaceful Bohemian!
How many of you meditate? If you've never done it, have you ever wondered about it?
For years, I had the wrong idea about meditation... I thought it was this new-agey, "woo-woo" thing to do where you had to chant mantras and levitate off the ground or something... not my jive at all! (No doubt there are many who do this!)
Then I discovered the world of guided meditations, sleep talkdowns, long-play nature recordings, binaural beats, and ASMR. And as a result, I am now sleeping better than I ever have in my life... I'm falling asleep quickly and staying asleep with less random waking during the night. My anxiety levels have dropped. My depression has improved. I never realized before, how over-active my brain actually is, and how hard it is to just Turn. It. Off!!!
I came to realize that meditation can be done by anyone, of any religion (or no religion at all), and from any walk of life. So in this series, I am going to share some of my favorite meditations, relaxing music, and sleep talkdowns with you all. My hope is to persuade you to enter a new world within your mind... a calming, safe atmosphere that you can take refuge in when life gets too overwhelming.
Photo by Uwimana Hannah, copyright The Peaceful Bohemian
My favorite meditations are ones that use words and visualizations to create a soothing, safe space to imagine yourself away from the stress in your life. The guided meditation that I am going to share with you today is just that: a peaceful greenhouse, where you can lie back and enjoy the myriad of beautiful butterflies as they flit and swoop around you.
Many guided meditations, and sleep talkdowns in particular, will walk you through the process of preparing yourself for sleep. But some do not, so here are some hints: choose a place free from distractions like cell phones, etc. (unless of course you are using your phone to listen!) I like to lie down on my bed or couch, or even a yoga mat, because lying down seems to automatically relax me and help me to concentrate. I like to put on some comfortable clothing, pajamas or lounging clothes, or whatever you wear to be most comfortable. (Even nothing, if that helps put you in a relaxed state of being.) And I take off any jewelry that I find tight or distracted, like chunky necklaces, tight or irritating watches or rings, and tight ponytails. Take a few slow, deep breaths before you begin... it's almost impossible to breathe slowly and deeply and still be anxious!
Photo copyright The Peaceful Bohemian
Are you ready to begin the most relaxing journey that you've ever been on? Then allow me to introduce you to the very first guided meditation that I ever listened to: one of my personal favorites, "The Butterfly Sanctuary" by Jason Stephenson.

If you enjoyed this meditation, remember to check out Jason Stephenson's YOUTUBE CHANNEL... he has many more guided meditations like this! And I will be sharing more of them here as well.

Until next time Beautiful Souls... love, light, and peace!  

Thursday, February 16, 2017

D.I.Y. Glass Bottle Centerpiece

Hello beautiful people!
Here's hoping you're all fine and groovy in your part of the world!
We've been in the middle of a bummer blizzard for the part three days, and I do mean bummer... as in, business closures, road closures, accidents, and shoveling... lots and lots and lots of shoveling. The snow is literally over my head in some places out there!
So what does a boho hippie chick do when she's trapped inside? Create beauty, what else! This little springtime-themed centerpiece is the perfect contrast to the gloom outside, and it's SO easy to make! I completed it in a about an hour once I had all my supplies on hand!

Here's what you'll need to recreate this beauty.
1. A clear glass bottle (I used a clean Jones Soda bottle... I love Jones because they are made with cane sugar instead of refined white sugar, and they come in glass bottles instead of plastic!)
2. A sheet of scrapbook paper or decorative paper in the pattern of your choice (the more colorful the better in my books!)
3. Scissors
4. A ruler
5. Wire cutters/snippers
6. Glue
7. Goo-gone or any "sticky" remover
8. Raffia/twine/yarn/something to tie a bow with.
9. Any other decorations you decide to use.
Making your centerpiece is easy! Just use your ruler to measure and cut a strip of paper approximately the same size as the bottle's label would be. It's okay for the edges of your paper to overlap a little; you want at least a centimeter of overlap to allow you to glue the two ends of the paper together. I didn't even bother to use Goo-gone to remove the glue remnants from the label... it just helped to stick my new "label" in place!
You can decorate the bottle any way you want... use glass paint to change the color of your bottle! Use the raffia/twine to tie a bow, like I did. Or, glue sequins, buttons, or beads onto the "label" or the bottle itself.

Then, you can fill your bottle.... use artificial flowers like I did (this is February, after all!), or use real ones if the season is right. You can also fill the jar with wheat or barley stalks for a more country look.
I just bought some cute fake flowers at the dollar store (you could try making some from fabric or tissue paper) and cut them apart with the wire snips (don't use regular craft scissors as you will dull the blades). I had to cut the stems apart because they were too thick to fit into the mouth of the bottle and made the arrangement too crowded. I also pulled the thick leaves off the "tulip" for the same reason... too much foliage and not enough space!
I hope you like this cute "hippie" centerpiece... let me know in the comments below if you decide to make it!
Love and Peace!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

What Is Depression?

Depression is not just sadness.
Depression is not just walking around with a frown on your face and a grey cloud over your head.
Depression is not just being mopey and gloomy.
Depression is feeling defeat when you try again and again to change your situation, only to end up right back at the beginning again.
Depression is anger because you feel trapped in a glass jar, and no matter how you batter against the walls, they won't crack.
Depression is fear that things will always stay the same, that things will never get any better.
Depression is frustration that all your attempts to "get better" aren't working.
Depression is guilt, because so many people "have it worse than you", but you can't seem to trivialize how you feel enough to make it not matter.
Depression is comedy and drama, in an attempt to hide your true feelings.
Depression is rising to your knees one day, then your feet the next, and then getting slammed flat on your back the third.
Depression is finding methods to escape the feelings so you don't have to face them.
Depression is dwelling on your feelings and allowing them to drown you.
Depression is when you feel like screaming and smashing your head into a wall, but you smile brightly and comment on the weather.

Depression is when your tears rise up in your throat and strangle you because you can't or won't let them out.
Depression is crying for no reason at all.
Depression is not wanting to cry because it would be pointless anyways.
Depression is your emotions all out of whack, responding inappropriately to situations, or wondering why your head can't make sense of things for ONCE.
Depression is feeling like there is no escape... that the darkness that encloses you will eventually consume you.
Depression is wondering if you did something to cause the darkness.
Depression is wondering if you deserve the darkness.
Depression is wondering if you are the darkness.
Depression is hiding from those you love, to keep from "infecting" them.
Depression is feeling exhausted all day, but unable to sleep at night.
Depression is feeling like you're on a hamster wheel... running and running yet staying in one spot.
Depression is mood swings for no reason.
Depression is wishing you could just give up but knowing you can't.
Depression is veiling your emotions from people, then getting angry when they are unsympathetic.
Depression is being upset about your inability to just "snap out of it."
Depression is helping others, but being unable to help yourself.
Depression is believing that you don't deserve help.
Depression is believing that you don't even need help.
Depression is the inability to see that there is help.
Depression is pride that will not allow others to see you vulnerable.
Depression is afraid of the hurtful remarks that inevitably come.
Depression is not a word that you throw around when you feel misunderstood and want to give someone a guilt trip.
Depression is something that you hide from your most intimate friends.
Depression is listening to people talk about "rose-colored glasses" and wishing you had a pair.
Depression is not an attitude.
Depression is an illness.
And like any illness, depression has to be understood before it can be helped.
Please educate yourself.